You can break free from porn and find a new life. Apply practical strategies and escape the hamster wheel of compulsive pornography use.
Get the inspiration, motivation and information you have been looking for as you begin your journey to the LIGHT. Honest, hard-hitting, helpful and hopeful! This story of one man's courageous battle against lust and pornography shows how a Christian (even a pastor) can be trapped in the darkness, feeling isolated and afraid to ask for help. Yet Hugh's story of heartbreak, humility and trusting in Christ shows how God offers new life.
When Hugh finally confessed his secret double life to his wife of 30 years, it almost destroyed her. Yet out of this terrible pain, the Lord brought forgiveness and healing. Their marriage today is stronger than ever! This can be your story too! There is HOPE for anyone enslaved by sin, because Jesus came to set the captives free.
A Certified Partner Coach wrote: "During the past 17 years, I've read countless books on the topic of secretive sexual behaviors. Few offer as much humble-yet-helpful wisdom as this book by lifelong missionary, Hugh Houston."
Get your copy today!
Jesus is so much better than porn!